The Mystery of the Mass #4 – Why Do We Have Altar Servers?

Last year I wrote an eight-part series for my parish about the Catholic Mass. For the Catholics in my audience, or anyone who wants to know more about why Catholics do what they do, these articles and videos are a great resource!

This video, Why Do We Have Altar Servers, relates the meaning and significance of altar servers.

The position of altar server evolved from the ministry of acolyte, which has existed since the 2nd century. Today, the ministry of acolyte is rather rare. Most of the duties of an acolyte are now performed by altar servers, although the position of altar server itself has existed in some form since at least the 9th century.

Like many things about the Mass, the use of altar servers is both theological and practical.

The practical elements are apparent: Bringing items to and from the altar, holding the Roman Missal for the priest as he prays, helping the priest during the lavabo (washing of hands), holding the incense boat and thurible, ringing bells at the consecration, and any other need the priest may have during Mass.

Theologically, the servers represent the entire people of God. As they process in, they symbolically stand in our place on our journey toward Heaven. The formality and ritual with which the servers process in and out of the sanctuary remind us that the worship of God is serious business. Put simply, they enhance the beauty, reverence, and solemnity of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Opportunities for youth to serve at the altar are one way they are being exposed to a possible vocation. Being present in the sanctuary and being attentive to the flow of the liturgy helps servers grow in a deeper love and reverence for the Mass. It also helps plant the seed of a vocation in the minds and hearts of those boys whom God is calling to serve as priests or deacons, and girls called to the religious life.

Our most recent popes have all spoken about the importance of altar servers. Pope St. John Paul II told servers that “Your commitment to the altar is a genuine holy service. Therefore, in the liturgy, you are much more than simple ‘helpers of the parish priest.’ Above all, you are servers of Jesus Christ, of the eternal High Priest.”

If you know an altar server, be sure to thank them and encourage them in this important role.

The other videos in the series:

#1 – Why the Mass?

#2 – Why Churches Look Like They Do

#3 – The Structure of the Mass

#4 – Why Do We Have Altar Servers?

#5 – Why Do We Use Incense?

#6 – Why Do We Ring Bells?

#7 – The Beauty of Music

#8 – Posture